目前分類:Letter of the Week (25)
- Sep 22 Sat 2012 03:42
Letter of the Week - Letter Cc
- Sep 14 Fri 2012 21:06
Letter of the Week - Letter Bb
- Sep 08 Sat 2012 08:57
Letter of the Week - Letter Aa
- Aug 31 Fri 2012 21:18
Letter of the Week - Letter Zz
Picture Book: Za-za's Baby Brother
Activity: Make a Letter Z Zebra
Draw stripes on the letter Z pattern.
Cut the zebra's head and tail.
Paste the head and tail onto the letter Z pattern.
- Aug 24 Fri 2012 17:19
Letter of the Week - Letter Yy
字母Yy的單字:yo-yo, yellow, yummy, yucky, yes
What is yellow?
Bananas are yellow.
Is milk yummy or yucky?
Are bugs yummy or yucky?
- Aug 17 Fri 2012 21:10
Letter of the Week - Letter Xx
字母Xx常見的發音都出現在字尾,如: box, fox...
所以就挑了Not a Box及Fox's Socks兩本繪本、
手指謠Fox in a Box、進行製作X-Ray和尋找X Marks the Spot活動。
Activity: Make an X
- Aug 10 Fri 2012 19:45
Letter of the Week - Letter Ww
Letter of the Week - Ww延遲了兩週。
Song: W, W, What Do You See? (Sing to the tune of "Skip to My Lou")
W, W, what do you see? What do you see that starts with W?
I see a wolf / watch / watermelon, that’s what I see. Hurray, hurray for W!
Picture Book: What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?
Activity: Making a Paper Watch
- Jul 19 Thu 2012 13:58
Letter of the Week - Letter Vv
只能靠繪本Growing Vegetable Soup, Little Mouse's Red Vest
和歌曲I'm a Great Big Vulture了!
首先登場的是Growing Vegetable Soup
- Jul 15 Sun 2012 13:10
Letter of the Week - Letter Uu
Song: The Umbrella Man (tune of “The Muffin Man”)
Do you know the umbrella man, the umbrella man, the umbrella man?
Do you know the umbrella man who likes to sing with me?
Oh, he loves the letter U, the letter U, the letter U.
Oh, he loves the letter U, and likes to sing with me.
- Jul 06 Fri 2012 05:21
Letter of the Week - Letter Tt
備課時,Teddy Bear 是第一個跳進我腦海裡的畫面,
這本放在書架上的繪本總算可以在這次Letter Tt的課程中,出來呼吸一下。
Picture Book & Action Rhyme: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
- Jun 29 Fri 2012 07:39
Letter of the Week - Letter Ss
接著帶孩子用construction paper and spotted stickers
做Spotted Snake (做法請參考:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frSmJ2ONiI8)
- Jun 22 Fri 2012 20:49
Letter of the Week - Letter Rr
Picture Book: Rain
(圖片來源:麥克兒童外文書店) Rain on the brown fence. Rain on the purple flowers.
- Jun 15 Fri 2012 12:42
Letter of the Week - Letter Qq
課程內容鎖定在queen, quilt, quick, quiet, quack
首先用歌曲“Q Song”介紹字母
Q Q This is a Q. Q Q This is a Q.
Q Q This is a Q. This is how a Q sounds. /kw/ /kw/ /kw/ /kw/
Q Q This is a Q. Q Q This is a Q.
Q Q This is a Q. This is how a Q sounds. /kw/ /kw/ /kw/ /kw/
Q Q That was a Q. Q Q That was a Q
Q Q That was a Q. That was how a Q sounds.
That was how a Q sounds.
Alphabet Arts: Q is for Queen / q is for quilt
- Jun 07 Thu 2012 14:25
Letter of the Week - Letter Pp
介紹的語彙有:peek-a-boo, pizza, pass the ball, penguin, popcorn, pop
Peek-a-boo! Look at ____. Peek-a......Boo!
Picture Book: Peek-a-Boo
Rhyme: Peek-a-Boo
Peek, (把兩手遮在臉前,向一邊偷看)
Peek, (再往另一邊偷看)
Peek-a-boo. (把手分開,往中間偷看)
Peek, (把兩手遮在臉前,向一邊偷看)
Peek, (再往另一邊偷看)
I see you! (把手分開,往中間偷看)
- Jun 01 Fri 2012 13:12
Letter of the Week - Letter Oo
主要單字有: orange, over, octopus, owl, on
Picture Book: Oragne Pear Apple Bear
Activity: Over and Under
請孩子make a cirlce或是make a line,根據指令pass the orange over or under
- May 25 Fri 2012 06:54
Letter of the Week - Letter Nn
這週介紹的字母是Letter Nn: nest, not, numbers, nine, no
依照慣例用歌曲"Let's Sing Hooray for Nn"介紹單字nest。
Picture Book:
Where can I build a nest?
Not here! / Here!
隨著每頁的圖片,加入問句:Can I build a nest on the chimney?
讓孩子回答:"Yes!" 或 "No!"
- May 17 Thu 2012 20:47
Letter of the Week - Letter Ll
這週介紹字母Ll: ladybug, lemon, lemonade, lion, lollipop, lick
Picture Book: Ten Little Ladybugs
Song: Ladybug Ladybug
Ladybug, Ladybug landed on my thumb, crawled on to my wrist,
And crawled up to my elbow, Ladybug, Ladybug crawled up my arm,
And then she flew away!
Ladybug, Ladybug landed on my toe, crawled on to my ankle,
And crawled up to my knee, Ladybug, Ladybug crawled up my leg,
And then she flew away!
Oh Ladybug! Oh Ladybug! Oh won’t you be my friend?
Oh Ladybug! Oh Ladybug! Won’t you come and visit me again?
Won’t you come and visit me again?
Ladybug, Ladybug landed on my head, crawled on to my nose, and over to my ear,
Ladybug, Ladybug crawled on my neck, and then she flew away!
Oh Ladybug! Oh Ladybug! Oh won’t you be my friend?
Oh Ladybug! Oh Ladybug! Won’t you come and visit me again?
Won’t you come and visit me again?
Say, "Hello!" to the ladybug.
Ladybug, Ladybug landed on my head. Ladybug, Ladybug crawled up to my neck.
- May 11 Fri 2012 13:31
Letter of the Week - Letter Mm
配合星期日的Mother's Day
這週先帶孩子認識Letter Mm: monkey, mama, mouse
Picture Book: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Song: Five Little Monkeys (from the album, "Five Little Monkeys")
Five little mpnkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys juming on the bed!"
Four little monkeys...
Three little monkeys...
Two little monkeys...
One little monkey...
No little monkeys jumping on the bed.
None fell off and bumped their head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"Put those monkeys right to bed!"
- Apr 26 Thu 2012 22:41
Letter of the Week - Letter Jj
Song: I Love Jelly Beans (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QHckrT9Cg4)
There are three jelly beans. There are three jelly beans.
Let's eat one. Yum! Yum! Yum! I love jelly beans.
There are two jelly beans. There are two jelly beans.
Let's eat one. Yum! Yum! Yum! I love jelly beans.
There is one jelly beans. There is one jelly beans.
Let's eat one. Yum! Yum! Yum! I love jelly beans.
There are no jelly beans.
Arts: A Handful of Jelly Beans
(Trace one hand onto a piece of paper.) (Grab a handful of jelly beans.)
(Glue the jelly beans onto the hand shape.) (Count how many jelly beans.)
Activity: Say "Hi!" to Jack and Jill
Picture Book: Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill
Activity: Let's Go Up and Down the Hill
(Let's go up, up, up the hill!) (Let's go down, down, down the hill!)
Fingerplay: Jump Like a Jackrabbit (by Judy Mullican)
Jump like a jackrabbit; (Hold up fingers to make bunny ears.)
Jump with me. (Point to self)
Jump like a jackrabbit; (Hold up fingers to make bunny ears.)
One, two, three. (Jump three times.)
Jump like a jackrabbit; (Hold up fingers to make bunny ears.)
High and low. (Jump high and make a small jump.)
Jump like a jackrabbit; (Hold up fingers to make bunny ears.)
Go, go, go! (Jump fast.)
Nursery Rhyme: Jack, Be Nimble
Jack, be nimble!
Jack, be quick!
Jack, jump over the candlestick!
(準備玩偶,積木,繩子讓孩子邊唸謠邊做jump over的動作)
- Apr 19 Thu 2012 14:36
Letter of the Week - Letter Ii
1. I Love You
2. I Spy
3. Ice Cream
Picture Book
Every bird loves a tree. Every flower loves a bee.
Every lock loves a key. And I love you.
Every sock loves a shoe. Every ghost loves a boo.
Every 1 loves a 2. And I love you.
Every shovel loves a pail. Every monkey loves a tail
Every wave loves a whale. And I love you.
Every farmer loves a rake. Every duck loves a lake.
Every candle loves a ckae. And I love you.
有bird, tree, flower, bee, lock, key, sock, shoe, ghost, boo, one, two,
shovel, pail, monkey, tail, wave, whale, rake, duck, lake, candle, cake
小小孩:直接問Does a bird love a tree? 孩子回答Yes or No
大小孩:在白板上寫下Every _____ loves a ______.
再帶著孩子念一次Every ____ loves a _____.
Activity: Find Out the Rhyming Pictures (大小孩)
Song: Skidamarink
Skidamarink a dink a dink, skidamarink a doo, I love you. (I love you)
Skidamarink a dink a dink, skidamarink a doo, I love you.
I love you in the morning and in the afternoon,
I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.
Oh, skidamarink a dink a dink, skidamarink a doo, I love you. (I love you)
Picture Book:
Activity: I Spy
Picture Book: (小小孩)
Activity: Happy or Not
Activity: Ice Cream Tower