Let's Sing Hurray for H! (Sing to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell")
Let's sing hurray for H! Let's sing hurray for H!
Let's sing hurray for H today.
Let's sing hurray for H!
Happy starts with H. Happy starts with H.
Let's sing hurray for H today.
Let's sing hurray for H! (adapted from Elizabeth McKinnon)
Picture Book: If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands (初學者)
Activity: Who Is Happy? (初學者)
(找找看who is happy?) (Grandma is happy!)
Song: If You're Happy (初學者)
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands. Clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.
(underline的地方可以改成其他動作,如stomp your feet, wiggle your fingers, touch your toes等等)
Picture Book: My Hands (有英文學習經驗者)
Activity: What Can You Hands Do? (有英文學習經驗者)
孩子說說手可以做哪些事,有clap, say hello, wave good-bye, 拿東西........
Fingerplay: My Hands (by Judy Mullican) (有英文學習經驗者)
My hands reach high up to the sky. (Hold hands high.)
My hands reach low and touch my toes. (Reach down and touch toes.)
Behind my back my hands can hide, (Put hands behind back.)
And then pop out from either side. (Bring out one hand at a time.)
My hands can wave. (Wave both hands.)
My hands can clap. (Clap hands.)
My hands can rest right in my lap. (Lay hands in lap.)
Picture Book: Happy Birthdy, LuLu
Activity: How Old Are You? (初學者)
Activity: Decorate the Cake (初學者)
Activity: Make a Birthday Hat with Construction Paper (有英文學習經驗者)
Picture Book: Zoe and Beans The Magic Hoop(初學者)
Activity: Hoop Fun(初學者)
(Jump in and out the hoop!) (Toss the hoop!)
(Walk through the hoop!) (Walk on the hoop!)
Activity: Hammer an H (有英文學習經驗者)
準備A to H的單字圖卡在桌上,讓孩子用玩具榔頭敲以H為首音的單字圖卡