Song: I Love Jelly Beans (
There are three jelly beans. There are three jelly beans.
Let's eat one. Yum! Yum! Yum! I love jelly beans.
There are two jelly beans. There are two jelly beans.
Let's eat one. Yum! Yum! Yum! I love jelly beans.
There is one jelly beans. There is one jelly beans.
Let's eat one. Yum! Yum! Yum! I love jelly beans.
There are no jelly beans.
Arts: A Handful of Jelly Beans
(Trace one hand onto a piece of paper.) (Grab a handful of jelly beans.)
(Glue the jelly beans onto the hand shape.) (Count how many jelly beans.)
Activity: Say "Hi!" to Jack and Jill
Picture Book: Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill
Activity: Let's Go Up and Down the Hill
(Let's go up, up, up the hill!) (Let's go down, down, down the hill!)
Fingerplay: Jump Like a Jackrabbit (by Judy Mullican)
Jump like a jackrabbit; (Hold up fingers to make bunny ears.)
Jump with me. (Point to self)
Jump like a jackrabbit; (Hold up fingers to make bunny ears.)
One, two, three. (Jump three times.)
Jump like a jackrabbit; (Hold up fingers to make bunny ears.)
High and low. (Jump high and make a small jump.)
Jump like a jackrabbit; (Hold up fingers to make bunny ears.)
Go, go, go! (Jump fast.)
Nursery Rhyme: Jack, Be Nimble
Jack, be nimble!
Jack, be quick!
Jack, jump over the candlestick!
(準備玩偶,積木,繩子讓孩子邊唸謠邊做jump over的動作)