Letter Aa 繪本
所以在此提供歌曲Hello, Hello的歌詞
Song: Hello, Hello! (CD: Super Simple Song 3)
Verse 1:
Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?
Can you stretch up high? Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around? Can you say, "Hello?"
Verse 2: stamp your feet
youtube上影片: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajKQ1MdLxF0
Picture Book: Ten Red Apples
單字:apples, one, two, three...ten, pig, horse, sheep,
hen, donkey, goose, goat, cow, duck
句子:Six red apples hanging on the tree.
Save some for me!
How many red apples left on the apple tree?
Song: Tree (CD: Animal Songs by Bookman 動物之歌/書林出版社)
Apple, apple tree, straight and tall.
Apple, apple tree, big and small.
Apple, apple tree. Apple, apple tree.
You love us all.
Activity: How Many Apples?
Activity: Animals or Not
(我選之前教過的,如: monkey, zebra, jam, giraffe, apple...)
透過問句:Are ____ animals or not animals?
Picture Book: The Animal Boogie
單字:animal, bear, monkey, bird, elephant, leopard, snake,
shaking, swinging, flying, stomping, leaping, slithering
句子:What can you see shakeing here and there?
It's a bear!
What shakes here and there in the jungle?
P.S. 這個出版社還出了許多好聽的繪本,我之前有介紹幾本。
有興趣的家長或老師可以點連結:繪本介紹 (12)
Activity: Guess What Animals?
Activity: Let's Count the Animals
准備歌曲Let's Count the Animals裡的動物圖片,
大孩子直接根據問句:How many little mice? 在紙上點數後回答。
給小小孩的是一種動物一張(如 1 little mouse一張,2 little turtles 一張)
然後說說看到哪些動物(What animals do you see?)
有幾隻(How many ____ are there?)等等....
Song: Let's Count the Animals (CD: Toddlerific)
Let’s count the animals. Let’s count the animals.
Let’s count the animals, 1, 2, 3.
Let’s count the animals that we see.
Then we’ll pretend to play the way they do.
Let’s count the animals, me and you.
1 little mouse, thinking what to do. 2 little turtles, playing peek-a-boo.
3 little kittens, winding up a string. 4 little birdies, flapping their wings.
5 little fish, swimming in the sea. 6 little monkeys, swinging in a tree.
7 little bunnies, hopping as they play. 8 little ponies, galloping away.
9 little puppies, jumping up and down. 10 little ducks sitting on the ground.
Let’s count the animals that we see. Let’s count the animals, 1, 2, 3.
Let’s count the animals, 1, 2, 3!
Activity: Alphabets or Animals
準備字母卡和動物卡,透過問句:Is ____ an animals or an alphabet?
Picture Book: Alphabet Ice Cream
單字:apple, bat, camel, crocodile, cat, digger, egg, fork, fish fingers,
grasshopper, honey, ice ream, jelly, kite, lion, monkey, Nick, octopus,
pen, queen, rose, Sue, spaghetti, star, track, train, tortoise, unicorn,
viking, whale, walrus, wellingtons, kiss, yoghurt, yum, yuck, zoom
句子:A is for apple!
Activity: Alphabet Puzzle
將圖卡給孩子,問:What letter does the word, "duck" start with?
孩子回答後,完成拼圖並說: D is for duck.
Activity: Making Alphabet Soup
Song: Alphabet Soup (CD: Music & Movement in the Classroom)
Alphabet soup, alphabet soup! Oh, how I love our alphabet soup.
Look at all the letters floating in this goop.
Let’s try and read our alphabet soup. A, B, C……….X, Y, Z
All together now! A, B, C…….X, Y, Z
One more time! A, B, C…..X, Y, Z
Alphabet soup, alphabet soup! Oh, how I love out alphabet soup.
Look at all the letters floating in this goop.
Let’s try and read our alphabet, alphabet, alphabet, alphabet,
Alphabet soup!
Picture Book: The Old Alligator (附屬於繪本Go Away Mr. Wolf!裡的故事)
Activity: Here Comes Mr. Alligator
一位孩子戴上alligator頭套,其餘小孩當little ducks
Teacher: Five (數字根據班上孩子人數決定)little ducks playing in the river.
Teasing Mr. Alligator, "Can't catch me! Can't catch me!"
Here comes Mr. Alligator!
Alligator: One, two, three....ten! 數完後,去抓一隻小鴨子