- Sep 23 Mon 2013 09:46
Happy Moon Festival! 2013
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 08:47
Jungle Animals
- Sep 03 Tue 2013 07:48
互動式閱讀範例 - Good Night, Gorilla (晚安猩猩)
- Aug 31 Sat 2013 05:10
Cheese, Green Eggs and Ham
- Aug 26 Mon 2013 09:33
Do You Like....?
Picture Book: Giant Pop-Out Food
Activity: Favorite Food
Activity: What Flavor Ice Cream Do You Like?
因繪本最後出現的是ice cream,就利用先前購買的冰淇淋組,
介紹不同口味的ice cream,並讓孩子選擇自己喜歡的口味。
Picture Book: Ketchup On Your Cornflakes?
Song: Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?
(CD: Super Simple Songs 3)
Verse 1:
Do you like broccoli? Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
Do you like ice cream? Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
Do you like broccoli ice cream?
No, I don't. Yucky!
Verse 2: ...donuts...juice...donut juice...
Verse 3: ...popcorn...pizza...popcorn pizza...
Verse 4: ...bananas...soup... banan soup...
YouTube 影片:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd2Ouefx-Wk
Activity: Stacking Up the Donuts
Activity: Cornflakes with Milk
所以當我問:"Do you like cornflakes with ketchup?"
孩子們搖搖頭,大聲說:「要跟milk / 牛奶一起吃」
Picture Book: It Looked Like Spilt Milk
YouTube 影片:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVy7DLMlqh8
- Aug 25 Sun 2013 16:34
蘋果老師將於9/07(星期六)下午 2:00~3:00
所以爸爸媽媽們可以先打電話:(04)2471-5658 確認
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 09:08
Balloons Go Up, Up, Up!
等待熱氣球時,想到可以將Hot Air Ballon介紹給孩子。
Picture Book: The Blue Balloon
- Aug 09 Fri 2013 19:58
Bread, Gingerbread and Peanut Butter Sandwiches
繼cookies後,這次課程帶入bread, gingerbread及peanut butter sandwich。
Picture Book: Bread Bread Bread
Activity: Find Some Bread
Picture Book: Maisy Makes Gingerbread
Rhyme: Bread and Butter (CD: Wee Sing and Play)
Bread and butter,
Sugar and spice,
How many boys / girls think I'm nice?
1, 2, 3, 4.....
Activity: Gingerbread Boy / Girl Matching Game
Picture Book: The Gingerbread Boy
Chant: 5 Little Gingerbread Men Lying on a Tray
Picture Book: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Rhyme: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
First you take the dough and knead it, knead it.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Pop it in th oven and bake it, bake it.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Then you take a knife and slice it, slice it.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Then you take the peanuts and crack them, crack them.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Put them on the floor and mash them, mash them.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
The you take a knife and spread it, spread it.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Next you take some grapes and squash it, squash it.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Glop it on the bread and smear it, smear it.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Then you take the sandwich and eat it, eat it.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Peanut Butter, peanut butter, jelly, jelly.
Activity: Making a Peanut Butter Sandwich
- Aug 01 Thu 2013 08:13
- Jul 30 Tue 2013 09:59
7/27 麥克兒童外文書店-台中門市
Picture Book: Ten Little Caterpillars
於是在這次活動中將它和The Very Hungry Caterpillar放在一起。
Activity: Makeing a Caterpillar Pointer
Picture Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Activity: Music and Movement (CD: Animal Walks)
Caterpilar: hands on the floor, legs straight,
walk with the hands and stop, walk with the feet and stop
Cocoon: curl up samll, wrap your arms around you, stay very still
Butterfly: stretch arms out to the side,
move arms up and down, run around on tiptoe
Song: Caterpillar Song (Sung to "Skip to My Lou")
Caterpillar, oh, so fuzzy. (x3)
Eating green leaves today.
Caterpillar's makeing a cocoon. (x3)
Now she's sleeping.
Caterpillar's waking up. (x3)
Out of her cocoons she comes.
Caterpillar's grown some wings. (x3)
Now she's a butterfly.
更多caterpillar 歌曲請點連結:
Song: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Song (Sung to "Ten Little Indians")
邊唱邊示範用之前完成的caterpillar pointer指字,然後邀請孩子上前指字念唱。
Verse 1:
On Sunday, 1 little egg (x3)
Out comes a caterpillar.
Verse 2:
On Monday, 1 red apple (x3)
That's what the caterpillar eats.
Verse 3: ..Tuesday, 2 green pears...
Verse 4: ..Wednesday, 3 purple plums...
Verse 5: ..Thursday, 4 red strawberries...
Verse 6: ..Friday, 5 orange oranges...
Verse 7: ..Saturday, too much food...
Verse 8: ..Sunday, 1 green leaf...
Verse 9:
In his cocoon, he goes to sleep. (x3)
That's what the caterpillar does.
Verse 10:
Out comes a butterfly. (x3)
Isn't that a great surprise!