7/27 麥克兒童外文書店-台中門市
Picture Book: Ten Little Caterpillars
於是在這次活動中將它和The Very Hungry Caterpillar放在一起。
Activity: Makeing a Caterpillar Pointer
Picture Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Activity: Music and Movement (CD: Animal Walks)
Caterpilar: hands on the floor, legs straight,
walk with the hands and stop, walk with the feet and stop
Cocoon: curl up samll, wrap your arms around you, stay very still
Butterfly: stretch arms out to the side,
move arms up and down, run around on tiptoe
Song: Caterpillar Song (Sung to "Skip to My Lou")
Caterpillar, oh, so fuzzy. (x3)
Eating green leaves today.
Caterpillar's makeing a cocoon. (x3)
Now she's sleeping.
Caterpillar's waking up. (x3)
Out of her cocoons she comes.
Caterpillar's grown some wings. (x3)
Now she's a butterfly.
更多caterpillar 歌曲請點連結:
Song: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Song (Sung to "Ten Little Indians")
邊唱邊示範用之前完成的caterpillar pointer指字,然後邀請孩子上前指字念唱。
Verse 1:
On Sunday, 1 little egg (x3)
Out comes a caterpillar.
Verse 2:
On Monday, 1 red apple (x3)
That's what the caterpillar eats.
Verse 3: ..Tuesday, 2 green pears...
Verse 4: ..Wednesday, 3 purple plums...
Verse 5: ..Thursday, 4 red strawberries...
Verse 6: ..Friday, 5 orange oranges...
Verse 7: ..Saturday, too much food...
Verse 8: ..Sunday, 1 green leaf...
Verse 9:
In his cocoon, he goes to sleep. (x3)
That's what the caterpillar does.
Verse 10:
Out comes a butterfly. (x3)
Isn't that a great surprise!