這週再介紹另一本。首先一一拿出紅、黃、藍的點點問孩子: What' this?
然後帶孩子先認識繪本上出現的動作,如press, tap, rub, shake...
接著給每位孩子一組red, yellow, blue dots,讓孩子根據指令動作。
1. Press the yellow dot.
2. Rub the blue dot.
3. Five quick / slow taps on the red dot.
Picture Book: Press Here
Activity: Fun with Sticks
先讓孩子熟悉歌曲Tap Your Sticks 裡的動作與指令。
Song: Tap Your Sticks (CD: Rhythms on Parade)
*Tap your sticks in the air with a 1 2 3.
Tap your sticks on the floor with a 1 2 3.*
Repeat *
**Tap your sitcks to the right with a 1 2 3.
Tap your sticks to the left with a 1 2 3.**
Repeat **
Rub your sticks together. Shake them high above you.
Rub your sticks together. Pass them both behind you.
***Cross your sticks, tap your knees with a 1 2 3.
Tap your sitcks and do ends with a 1 2 3.***
Repeat ***
****Hammer left with the right with a 1 2 3.
Hammer right with the left with a 1 2 3.****
Repeat ****
Rub your sticks together. Shake them high above you.
Rub your sticks together. Pass them both behind you.
Repeat *
Activity: Connect the Dots (小小孩)
Activity: Dominoes (大小孩)
Activity: Music and Movement - Count and Move
(CD: Music & Movement in the Classroom Grades 1-2)
Clap your hands and count to 10.
Pat your legs and count to 13.
Tap your shoulders and count to 8.
Pat your stomach and count to 17.
Hop on one foot and count to 12.
Tap your nose and count to 19.
Touch your toes and count to 7.
Tap you cheeks and count to 14.
Do the twist and count to 9.
Tap your fingertips and count to 16.
Stamp your foot and count to 11.
Pat your head and count to 6.
Tap your knees and count to 15.
Tap your eyebrows and count to 18.
Pull your ears and count to 5.
Everybody jump and count to 20.