上週介紹的繪本Press Here裡出現red, yellow and blue點點,
Activity: Color Mix
實用句型:Yellow and blue together make green.
接者講一本顏色的繪本,故事主角是一隻White Rabbit 跳進三原色的顏料桶,
然後變成各種顏色的兔子,每一次變色後White Rabbit 沖個澡就可以變回白色,
當White Rabbit跳進藍色和黃色的顏料桶後變成綠色rabbit,
當他要沖澡時發現 "Oh dear, no more water!" 這時怎麼辦呢???
Picture Book: White Rabbit's Color Book
Activity: Color Whiz
透過記錄,孩子再次review句型:Yellow and blue together make green.
Picture Book: Where Is the Green Sheep?
1. Where is the green sheep?
2. Here is the blue sheep.
繪本裡出現各式各樣的綿羊,有blue sheep, bath sheep, thin sheep, rain sheep等,
但是Where is the green sheep?
Activity: Where Is the Sheep?
Activity: Find the Sheep
Rhyme: Baa Baa Black Sheep
唱歌前,準備一隻毛線做的black sheep
Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full;
One for my master, one for my dame,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.