Song: Hello, Reindeer (CD: Super Simple Christmas Songs)
Hello, reindeer Hello, snowman Hello, Santa
Happy holidays 123, 456, 78910
Merry Christmas, everyone Let's sing it once again!
Hello, reindeer Hello, snowman Hello, Santa
Happy holidays Happy holidays!
Picture Book: Dear Santa
Activity: What Do You Want for Christmas? (半日班孩子)
(CD Player)
Song: What Do You Want for Christmas? (CD: Super Simple Songs 1)
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa's on his way.
Verse 1:
I want a train. I want a train. I want a great, big train.
A train? A train! All aboard!
(Repeat chorus)
Verse 2: rocket......prepare for lift-off! 5...4...3...2...1...lift-off!!!!
Verse 3: robot
Verse 4: teddy bear....right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm. Oh, no!
youtube 影片:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSW-CepaASI
Picture Book: Father Christmas Needs a Wee!
Activity: Match the Stockings
Activity: Hang Up the Stockings
Song: Five Red Stockings (Tune to: Are You Sleeping?)
Five red stockings, five red stockings,
Lining on the floor, lining on the floor,
A little girl took one, a little girl took one,
And then there were four, and then there were four.
Verse 2: four / standing by the tree / boy / three
Verse 3: three / waiting for you / boy / two
Verse 4: two / awaiting Christmas fun / girl/ there was one
Verse 5: one / feeling kind of sad / a little boy took it / we're all gald
youtube 影片:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbMvx1j_ilw
Picture Book: Lulu's Christmas
Activity: Make a Paper Stocking
最後唱另一個版本的What Do You Want foy Christmas?
Song: What Do You Want for Christmas? (CD: Super Simple Christmas Songs)
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa's on his way.
Verse 1:
I want a ball. I want a ball. I want a ball to bounce.
Bounce? Bounce!
(Repeat chorus)
Verse 2: yo-yo, spin
Verse 3: bike, ride
Verse 4: jump rope, jump