延續歌曲Spring Is Here裡的歌詞How do you think I Know?
I just saw a frog. That is how I know. 這週介紹Frogs繪本與歌曲。
Picture Book: The Croaky Pokey
這本繪本的內容是改編自The Hokey Pokey這首歌,所以唸完繪本可以邊玩邊唱。
Put your right hand in, put your right hand out,
Put your right hand in, and wave it all about.
Hop the croakey pokey as we chase a fly around
Right in the froggy's mouth.
Picture Book: Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Song: Five Green and Speckled Frogs
這首歌網路上有很多版本,這個Mother Goose Club的版本,內容跟書上的一模一樣。
Activity: Frog Hopping Contest
Picture Book: The Wide-Mouthed Frog
Activity: Making a Party Blower Frog and Flies Catching Game