延續上週Easter主題,這週介紹更多bunny 和 rabbit繪本與歌曲。
Picture Book: Little Bunny on the Move
Song: Bunny-Pokey (CD: Holiday Piggyback Songs by Kimbo)
Tune to "Hokey-Pokey"
Verse 1:
You put your bunny ears in,
You put your bunny ears out,
You put your bunny ears in,
And you shake them all about.
You do the Bunny-Pokey,
And you hop yourself around.
That's what it's all about.
Verse 2: nose, it
Verse 3: tail, it
Picture Book: Little Rabbit Foo Foo
youtube 影片:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cOT4T2jDho
Song: Little Bunny Foo Foo (CD: Wee Sing Animals, Animals, Animals)
Verse 1: (配合繪本,將Bunny Foo Foo 改成Rabbit Foo Foo)
Little Rabbit Foo Foo, hopping through the forest,
Scoop-in' up the field mice and bop-pin' 'em on the head.
Down camen the good fairy,
And she said, "Little Rabbit Foo Foo, I don't want to see you
Scoop-in up the field mice and bop-pin' 'em on the head.
"I'll give three chances, and if you don't behave,
I'll turn you into a goon!" The next day....
Verse 2: ...."I'll give you two more chances....
Verse 3: ...."I'll give you one more chance....
Verse 4: ...."I gave you three chances and you didn't behave.
Now your're a goon! POOF!"
Activity: Help Little Rabbit Find the Carrots
1. There are five carrots in the bag.
2. Little Rabbit is hungry.
3. Help little rabbit find the carrots.
Picture Book: Duck! Rabbit!
youtube 影片:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPCoe-6RRks
Activity: Help Mommy Animal Find Her Babies