延續童謠Grandma's Glasses,這堂課就以Hats為主題。
上堂課,因時間不夠,無法唸繪本Baby Duck and the New Eyeglasses
Picture Book: Baby Duck and the New Eyeglasses
Rhyme: Grandma's Glasses (複習)
Picture Book: Whose Hat?
Song: The Hat Song
準備felt hat,先將歌詞帶唸過一次,再唱歌。
Activity: Pass the Hat
唱完後,讓孩子make a circle,選一個felt hat 邊唱
Pass the hat to a friend, to a friend, to a friend
Pass the hat to a freind, pass it to a friend.
(改編自歌曲Pass the Circle)
唱完後,孩子停止傳felt hat,問:Who's got a rainbow hat?
Picture Book: Mrs. Honey's Hat
正式唸故事前,先一一將Mrs. Honey 帽子上的裝飾物
(feathers, cherries, shell, buttercups, lace, ribbon)
放上Mrs. Honey 故事偶,
邊講故事編替換上bubble gum, eggs, seaweed, bell, cobwebs, fish bones
Activity: Hit the Hat