Bugs Theme最後一週,一定要介紹Spider的繪本與童謠。
Picture Book: Aaaarrgghh, Spider!
Activity: Making a Paper Spider
完成後,讓孩子拿著paper spider,跟著韻文Little Spider動一動。
Chant: Little Spider (英文兒歌教學點子100-東西出版社)
See the little spider climbing up the wall.
See the little spider stumble and fall.
See the little spider tumble down the street.
See the little spider stop down at your feet.
Activity: Bumble Bee, Bumble Bee, Spider (玩法同Duck, Duck, Goose)
Picture Book: Tell Time with The Very Busy Spdier
Song: The Spdier Spins a Web (Sung to "The Farmer in the Dell)
Verse 1:
The spider spins a web.
The spider spins a web.
Round, round, up and down.
The spider spins a web.
Verse 2: She spins it in and out...
Verse 3: She spins it back and forth...
Verse 4: She spins it good and strong...
Activity: Spinning a Web
邊唱The Spider Spins a Web 邊讓小小孩繞著椅子,就像蜘蛛織網一樣。
讓大小孩子用毛線繞竹籤,完成spider web。
也有讓大小還用剪紙得方式剪出spider web,然後將先前剪的spider黏上去。
Picture Book: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Fingerplay: The Eentsy, Weentsy Spider (英文兒歌教學點子100-東西出版社)
The eentsy, weentsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the eentsy, weentsy spider went up the spout again.