首先跟孩子唱Good Morning Song和Knock Knock Hello!
(from the album " Super Simple Songs)
因為Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes繪本裡提到水果strawberries, blue berries兩種水果,
所以先帶入繪本Strawberries Are Red 介紹水果名稱和顏色單字
接著將水果模型放到地上,清唱Super Simple Songs裡的I See Something Blue
Red, I see something red. Red, I see something red.
Red, red, red, red, I see something red.
Find something red.
然後孩子拿起紅色的水果,如strawberry, apple
green: apple, starfruit
yellow: banana
purple: grapes
接著,進入Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes
繪本中一直出現的Oh, no! Goodness, no!
和唱I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes.
想看作者本身現場講繪本的可上youtube搜尋Pete the Cat - I Love My White Shoes - Live Telling
講完繪本,搭配歌曲Show Me Your Shoes (from the album, Rockin' The Alphabet by Mr. Al)
請小孩lift up your black shoes, point to the white shoes, shake, shake the pink shoes,
wiggle out the red shoes, wave, wave the blue shoes, stamp, stamp the blinky shoes
接著讓孩子進行"Pin the Shoe on Pete the Cat"活動
最後帶孩子用撕貼方式做一隻CAT (idea from Teacher Febie)