母親節即將到來,這週開始Mother's Day主題
Picture Book: Mommy! Mommy!
Song: M-O-M-M-Y
Activity: Find "MOMMY"
Picture Book: You Are My Sunshine
Song: You Are My Sunshine (Album: Six Little Ducks)
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know , dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
中間有一段間奏,帶入從網路搜尋到的改編(Author Unknown)
I love you mommy, my dearest mommy.
You make me happy when I am sad.
I want to tell you, I really love you!
When I'm with you, I am so glad.
Activity: Mommy, You Are My Sunshine
Picture Book: Mommies Are for Counting Stars