Vatentine's Day 前夕,帶入跟情人節有關的繪本與歌曲
Picture Book: Who Will Be My Vatentine This Year?
Song: I'm a Valentine for You (Album: Holiday Piggyback Songs)
Tune to: She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain
Verse 1:
I’m a teeny tiny valentine for you.
I’m a teeny tiny valentine for you.
I’m a teeny tiny valentine,
I’m always yours, will you be mine?
I’m a teeny tiny valentine for you.
Verse 2: I'm a medium-size valentine for you...
I’m not too big and that’s just fine...
Verse 3: I’m a great big valentine for you...
And I will love you all the time...
Picture Book: I Love You
Song: H-E-A-R-T
Picture Book: Lots of Hearts
Song: Valentine Color Song
Activity: Making a Valentine