Picture Book: My Wold of Color
Song: I See Colors Everywhere
Picture Book: Maisy's Rainbow Dream
Song: Colors of the Rainbow (The Music Lady)
Blue is the color of a bird so small, bird so small, bird so small.
Green is the color of a tree so tall, tree so tall, tree so tall.
Yellow is the color of a shining moon, shining moon, shining moon.
Red is the colro of a big balloon, big balloon, big balloon.
The colors of the rainbow are everywhere I see.
The colors of the rainbow fill the world with love for you and me.
Purple is the color of a kite in the air, kite in the air, kite in the air.
Brown is the color of a little bear, little bear, little bear.
Pink is a flower growing from the ground, from the ground, from the ground.
Orange is a pumpkin big and round, big and round, big and round.
The colors of the rainbow are everywhere I see.
The colors of the rainbow fill the world with love for you and me.
The colors of the rainbow are everywhere I see.
The colors of the rainbow fill the world with love for you and me.
當天準備各種顏色的ribbons,讓孩子邊唱邊揮舞ribbons ~~~
Picture Book: The m&m's Counting Book
Activity: Fun with m&m's
Activity: m&m Color Sorting Rainbow Activity