繼上週童謠Baa, Baa, Black Sheep後,
Picture Book: Marvin Gets Mad
Song: If You're Mad (Tune to "If You're Happy and You Know It")
If you're mad, mad, mad, rub your hands.
If you're mad, mad, mad, rub your hands.
If you're mad, mad, mad, rub your hands, rub your hands,
If you're mad, mad, mad, rub your hands.
Verse 2: stomp your feet
Verse 3: pound your feats
Verse 4: do all three
Activity: Big vs. Little
準備同一物品大小各一的圖片,利用圖片將big and little 的概念介紹給孩子。
1. Show me the big / little _____.
2. Where is the big / little _____?
指出圖片上的big ____或是little _____
Picture Book: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Activity: Make a Little Lamb
Rhyme: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary had a little lamb,
Little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow.
Activity: Circle the Letter Mm (小小孩)
Activity: Name out Words that Start with /m/ Sound (大小孩)
因為這次課程出現三個以Mm為首音的字(mad, Marvin, Mary),
或是說出以/m/為首音的單字(moon, mommy, monkey, monster, mouse)。